60°Keep in mind that the capacity of the Lifma varies largely depending on thethickness and material of workpieces, clearance and other factors.VN600VN300VN150VN 75200 10 20 30 40 5015105Holding powerPlate thickness�E�Em�E�EKN)Clearance�E�Em�E�Holding power (KN)VN600VN300VN150VN 75200 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.015105Model LPR-VN SMALL PERMANENT MAGNETIC LIFMA*�E�Application�E�Permanent magnetic type lifting magnets used as a lifting section of cranes and hoistsfor transportation of steel materials in warehouses and machining shops or for loadingand unloading workpieces to and from machine tools. These are suitable for transportingsemi-finished products having a flat surface such as machine parts, press dies andplastic molds and for transporting mill scale steel plates and flat steel materials.�E�Features�E�●All types are capable of lifting steel plates and round steel bars.●These are of permanent magnetic type requiring no power source. Thus, there is norisk of falling workpieces due to power failure or failure of wiring systems.●Powerful magnetic force but compact and light weight.●The narrowest handle operating angle of 60 degrees (patented) in the industryfacilitates the ON/OFF operation in small space.●In addition to the conventional handle lock mechanism, a safety stopper isprovided as a standard accessory. These double safety measures prevent falling oflifted objects due to unexpected returning of the handle.Permanent magnetic Lifma withenhanced operability and safety. All types for steel platesand round steel bars!LPR-VN600LPR-VN300LPR-VN75LPR-VN150ModelLifting Capacity DimensionsMassSteel Plate Steel bar W L G h H D F ILPR-VN75 75kg/165 lb50kg/110 lb90�E�E.54�E�E0�E�E.14�E�E60�E�E.29�E�E15�E�E.59�E�E135�E�E.31�E�E0�E�E.57�E�E5�E�E.59�E�E45�E�E.77�E�E.5kg/12.1 lbLPR-VN150 150kg/330 lb100kg/220 lb130�E�E.11�E�E60�E�E0.2�E�Ekg/17.6 lbLPR-VN300 300kg/661 lb200kg/440 lb230�E�E.05�E�E60�E�E4.1�E�E0�E�E.78�E�E8�E�E.70�E�E4kg/30.8 lbLPR-VN600 600kg/1322 lb400kg/880 lb119�E�E.68�E�E30�E�E2.9�E�E00�E�E9.6�E�E5�E�E.98�E�E84�E�E.24�E�E0�E�E.36�E�E5�E�E.98�E�E5�E�E.55�E�E5kg/77.1 lb※The lifting capacity is indicated by a value that is a third (safety factor 3) of the max. holding power.※LPR-VN75 is not provided with a rear guard.�E�mm�E�En�E�]Lifting standards■Steel plate lifting standard (Flat steel plates) ■Relation between steel platethickness and holding power■Relation between clearanceand holding power(Material SS400, surface roughness ▽▽)※Note that this is not the lifting capacity.(Material SS400, thickness 50 mm, surface roughness ▽▽)※Note that this is not the lifting capacity.ThicknessModel�E�EPR-VN�E�E5 150 300 600t6□630�E�E4.8�E�E□900�E�E5.4�E�E□1200�E�E7.2�E�E□1300�E�E1.1�E�E00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE300�E�E1.1�E�E600�E�E3.6�E�ÁE300�E�E1.1�E�E900�E�E5.4�E�ÁE550�E�E1.0�E�E1200�E�E7.2�E�ÁE400�E�E5.1�E�※t12□600�E�E3.6�E�E□850�E�E3.4�E�E□1250�E�E9.2�E�E□1450�E�E7.0�E�E00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE200�E�E7.2�E�E600�E�E3.6�E�ÁE200�E�E7.2�E�E900�E�E5.4�E�ÁE700�E�E6.9�E�E1200�E�E7.2�E�ÁE700�E�E6.9�E�t25□450�E�E7.7�E�E□650�E�E5.5�E�E□950�E�E7.4�E�E□1250�E�E9.2�E�E00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE50�E�E5.5�E�E600�E�E3.6�E�ÁE00�E�E7.5�E�E900�E�E5.4�E�ÁE000�E�E9.4�E�E1200�E�E7.2�E�ÁE300�E�E1.1�E�t50□350�E�E3.7�E�E□500�E�E9.6�E�E□700�E�E7.5�E�E□1000�E�E9.4�E�E00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE00�E�E5.7�E�E600�E�E3.6�E�ÁE00�E�E5.7�E�E900�E�E5.4�E�ÁE50�E�E1.6�E�E1200�E�E7.2�E�ÁE00�E�E1.5�E�t100□240�E�E.44�E�E□350�E�E3.7�E�E□550�E�E1.6�E�E□750�E�E9.5�E�E00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE80�E�E.08�E�E600�E�E3.6�E�ÁE00�E�E.87�E�E900�E�E5.4�E�ÁE20�E�E2.5�E�E1200�E�E7.2�E�ÁE50�E�E7.7�E�[mm�E�En�E�]※If plates are thinner, the handle operation becomes harder. The handle operation also becomes harder when there is clearance. Thereturn of the handle at the time of OFF operation becomes faster.Note: This table is presented as a guide for actual work, but does not guarantee absolute safety.The Lifma may not perform at its maximum capacity depending on factors other than theconditions shown in the table. Check such factors fully prior to using the Lifma.■Round steel bar lifting standard (Mill scale)Steel barModel (LPR-VN)75 150 300 600Min. dia. ρE50�E�E96�E�ÁE50�E�E9.5�E�L ρE50�E�E96�E�ÁE500�E�E9.0�E�L ρE50�E�E96�E�ÁE000�E�E18�E�L ρE00�E�E.93�E�ÁE000�E�E18�E�LMax. dia ρE00�E�E.87�E�ÁE50�E�E.90�E�L ρE00�E�E.87�E�ÁE00�E�E1.8�E�L ρE00�E�E1.8�E�ÁE50�E�E3.7�E�L ρE00�E�E5.7�E�ÁE00�E�E5.7�E�LPipeallowable dia.※ ρE50�E�E.96�E�!E00�E�E.87�E�EρE50�E�E.96�E�!E00�E�E.87�E�EρE50�E�E.96�E�!E00�E�E1.8�E�EρE00�E�E.93�E�!E00�E�E9.6�E�※Keep in mind that the capacity drops when lifting pipes or workpieces the max. diameter of which is smaller than the attractive face.For long workpieces, consider the use of several beams.�E�mm�E�En�E�]When operating the handle of LPR-VN75 and LPR-VN150, be surethat the safety stopper will not interfere with the lifting fi xture.Precautions for useWhen you plan to use the Lifma for special steel materials such as hardenedmaterials, please consult with us prior to purchasing the Lifma.The permanent magnetic Lifma LPR-VN Series are not of waterproof construction.Ensure no water will enter or adhere to them.Rust and scratches on the attractive face affect the holding power adversely.Repair it periodically.�E��E� �E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E�V�E��E�0!E吊上�E力 �E�00kaE吊上物の下に入るな�E�E��F�E�E0°(�E�)�E��E� (�E�E�E��E�I�E�WSafety stopperHandle lockDouble safetymeasures employedNarrowest handle operatingangle in the industryExhibits its ability in lifting sectionsteel such as H-section steel andPatented workpieces in small space.LPR-VN94LIFTINGMAGBORE* MAGNETCHIP & SLUDGECONVEYANCE EQUIPMENTENVIRONMENTALEQUIPMENTMAGNETIZER ANDDEMAGNETIZERMAGNETIC EQUIPMENTFOR CONVEYANCEMAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGTOOLSPOWERFUL MAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGINSTRUMENTSMAGNETICMATERIALSMAGNETIC TOOLS & EQUIPMENTFOR WELDING OPERATION