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�E�Application�E�This Chip Magclean is designed to remove/collect chips in coolant that is discharged from cutting operations by machine tools.�E�Features�E�●The employment of a magnetic drum with special magnetic pole array ensures a high rate of collection.●The newly designed scrapper improves performance to separate and remove chips from the magnetic drum.●The expanded discharge space helps stable discharge. The higher side wall helps prevent overfl owing.●The overall height has been reduced by 80 mm by changing the motor mounting position, enabling the Chip Magclean to be mounted in places where itcould not be mounted.�E�Application�E�Suitable for removal of iron powder from grinding fl uid.If you plan to use this model for washing purpose (fresh water and otherliquids), please contact us.�E�Application�E�An optional unit to enable the Magclean to be mounted on a machine easily.DELInlet 125300 140460?20 POutlet D 2B 2B 3BB1Right/left/bottom,3 placesMotor145�E�E00�E�!E0�E�(  �E�!E80�E�E0158220Model CMS CHIP MAGCLEAN*Model MS-BS MAGCLEAN*Model MS MAGCLEAN* HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE LEGS/INFLOW BOX (Optional)CMS-12A■Model designation of MS-BSWhen ordering MS-BS Series, be sure to specify the direction of the inlet andliquid discharge port in the model designation as follows:Direction of liquid discharge portL: Left when viewed from the sludge dischargedirection. (Liquid discharge port ③ in the followingfi gure)R: Right when viewed from the sludge dischargedirection. (Discharge port ④ in the following fi gure)Direction of the inletB: Backside (Inlet ① in the following fi gure)R: Right when viewed from the sludge dischargedirection. (Inlet ② in the following fi gure)MS-24BS-B LMS-24BS-BRModel InletDirectionLiquidDischargeDirectionProcessingCapacityPowerSource MotorDimensionsMassL B H L1 L2 L3 L4 e P P1 P2 B1 b1 b2 b3 H1 H2 H3 H4 M D D1 d1 D2 d2MS-24BS-BL①③240L/min3-phase200VAC,50/60Hz90W 670�E�E6.3�E�E45�E�E5.3�E�E34�E�E1.0�E�E20�E�E4.4�E�E0�E�E.96�E�E0�E�E.54�E�E 25�E�E.98�E�E25�E�E.98�E�E70�E�E2.4�E�E72�E�E2.5�E�E95�E�E9.8�E�E15�E�E0.2�E�E15�E�E4.2�E�E0�E�E1.5�E�E86�E�E5.2�E�E68�E�E0.5�E�E89�E�E.44�E�E7�E�E.03�E�E7�E�E.66�E�E14�E�E.42�E�E02�E�E.01�E�PS-3 127�E�E.00�E�PS-4 115kg/253 lbMS-24BS-BR ④MS-24BS-RL②③ 70�E�E.75�E�E?MS-24BS-RR ④MS-36BS-BL①③360L/min100W 830�E�E2.6�E�E39�E�E3.0�E�E70�E�E6.3�E�E80�E�E0.7�E�E05�E�E1.3�E�E 35�E�E.37�E�E0�E�E.18�E�E20�E�E8.4�E�E30�E�E8.7�E�E30�E�E4.8�E�E68�E�E6.3�E�E90�E�E1.1�E�E10�E�E.33�E�E00�E�E9.6�E�E45�E�E3.5�E�E64�E�E0.4�E�E00�E�E.93�E�E2�E�E.86�E�E17�E�E2.4�E�E27�E�E.00�E�PS-4 154�E�E.06�E�PS-5 292kg/643 lbMS-36BS-BR ④MS-36BS-RL②③ 80�E�E.15�E�E?MS-36BS-RR ④MS-50BS-BL①③500L/min1139�E�E4.8�E�E20�E�E.54�E�E 35�E�E.37�E�E1030�E�E0.5�E�E30�E�E6.6�E�E68�E�E8.1�E�E090�E�E2.9�E�E58�E�E4.0�E�E15�E�E.52�E�E54�E�E.06�E�PS-5 182�E�E.16�E�PS-6375kg/826 lbMS-50BS-BR ④MS-50BS-RL②③ 90�E�E.54�E�E?MS-50BS-RR ④Model ProcessingCapacityPowerSource MotorDimensionsMassL B E ? B1 B2 B3 P D1 D2CMS-4A 40L/min 3-phase200 VAC/220 VAC,50/60 Hz25W505�E�E9.8�E�E80�E�E4.9�E�E0�E�E.78�E�E70�E�E.75�E�E34�E�E.21�E�E200�E�E.87�E�E152�E�E.98�E�E180�E�E.08�E�PS-2PS-2 22kg/ 48 lbCMS-8A 80L/min 430�E�E6.9�E�E284�E�E1.1�E�E250�E�E.84�E�E202�E�E.95�E�E230�E�E.05�E�EPS-2・1�E�E 27kg/ 59 lbCMS-12A 120L/min 515�E�E0.2�E�E580�E�E2.8�E�E25�E�E.98�E�E60�E�E.36�E�E434�E�E7.0�E�E400�E�E5.7�E�E352�E�E3.8�E�E380�E�E4.9�E�EPS-2・1�E�E PS-3 41kg/ 90 lb�E�mm�E�En�E�]�E�mm�E�En�E�]�E�mm�E�En�E�]※The numbers in “Inlet Direction Eand “Liquid Discharge Direction Ecorrespond to No. ① to ④ in the fi gures above. Be sure to check the directions.h±5Height adjustable leg (Facilitates adjustment of height of inlet)�E� �E��E�Inflow box (Facilitates alignment of inlet)Model DimensionsStandard High mag. force Super high mag. force h L HMS- 2Fa MS- 2FaH MS- 2FHP105�E�E.13�E�E10�E�E.33�E�MS- 4Fa MS- 4FaH MS- 4FHP 130�E�E.11�E�E05�E�E.13�E�MS- 6Fa MS- 6FaH MS- 6FHP 150�E�E.90�E�MS- 8Fa MS- 8FaH MS- 8FHP155�E�E.10�E�E70�E�E.69�E�E15�E�E.52�E�MS-12Fa MS-12FaH MS-12FHP 190�E�E.48�E�※For MS-18Fa/FaH/FHP and MS-24Fa/FaH/FHP, please contact us.BH4B 1b2P2b1 b3D2 ODρE2Liquiddischargepor④①②D2 ODρEMountinghole 4-ρE2LiquiddischargeportLH2H3L 4H1Le1L3LP2P1�E�E�E�D1 ODρE1 InletD1 ODρEρE 1 InletMS-F / MS-FH / MS-FHP / MS / MS-BS / CMS112LIFTINGMAGBORE* MAGNET CHIP & SLUDGECONVEYANCE EQUIPMENTENVIRONMENTALEQUIPMENTMAGNETIZER ANDDEMAGNETIZERMAGNETIC EQUIPMENTFOR CONVEYANCEMAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGTOOLSPOWERFUL MAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGINSTRUMENTSMAGNETICMATERIALSMAGNETIC TOOLS & EQUIPMENTFOR WELDING OPERATION