Construction Scrap Materials Recycling SystemNon-Industrial Large Recyclable Wastes Processing SystemSecondarycrusherVibrationscreeningmachineSuspendedmagnetic separatorSuspendedmagneticseparatorReinforcingIron barspiecesWatersprayingmachineProduct stockyardRecycledsandRecycledcrushed stoneWaterspraying WatersprayingRaw stonehopperPrimarycrusherVibrationconveyorWatersprayingWatersprayingSuspendedmagneticseparatorCrusherCombustibles andnon-combustiblessorting machineNon-combustiblesMagnetic pulleyNonferrousmetal separatorCollected magneticsubstancesIncineratingfacilityCombustiblesCombustiblesNonferrousmetalsCollectedaluminumConcrete blocks are first crushed tocertain sizes (50 ? 60 cm square)on the construction site and thentransported to a recycling facility.Concrete blocks are crushed by acrusher. Then foreign matters likeiron are removed by a magnet.Materials screened to various sizesbecome products as recycledcrushed stone and recycled sand.These materials are used for roadc o n s t r u c t i o n a n d s e w a g econstruction.C r u s h e d c o n c r e t e p i e c e s a r escreened by sizes. Concrete blocksthat could not be crushed by theprimary crusher are crushed by thesecondary crusher. To prevent dusta n d d i r t p r o d u c e d i n t h e s eprocesses and to prevent noise, themachines and surrounding areas arecovered and water is sprayed. Dustis collected by a dust collector.130LIFTINGMAGBORE* MAGNET CHIP & SLUDGECONVEYANCE EQUIPMENTENVIRONMENTALEQUIPMENTMAGNETIZER ANDDEMAGNETIZERMAGNETIC EQUIPMENTFOR CONVEYANCEMAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGTOOLSPOWERFUL MAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGINSTRUMENTSMAGNETICMATERIALSMAGNETIC TOOLS & EQUIPMENTFOR WELDING OPERATION