HρELFerrule Ferrule 5.5SAρE55MagnetunitPlatemagnetMagneticsubstanceLines ofmagneticforceOUT INhH S (When cleaning)FerruleclampLKnobFerruleBAρEρEFerruleVView�E�VModel PCMH2-D-A/TD-A MAGNETIC FILTER FOR VISCOUS AND HEAT-RESISTANT LIQUID�E�Application�E�Since these filters have been made by welding all around, they are suitable for foodprocessing operations; in particular, most suitable for operations where the growth of bacteriais never allowed. The fi lter can be locked with the magnets turned off and therefore thesefi lters are suitable for lines where they are to be cleaned without removing the magnet part.�E�Features�E�●Manual ON/OFF switching is possible. (Inserting and removing each magnetic bar makesthe ON/OFF operation lighter.)●The fi xing part of the outer pipe that comes in contact with liquid has been welded all aroundand buff ed smoothly, which prevents accumulation of liquid to ensure clean operation.●A special version having 6 magnetic bars is also available.●The working temperature up to 150℁Eis allowed. (TD-A type)●A super powerful magnetic fi lter is also available.※A SUS316 version is also available upon request. The standard connection method is by use of ferrules, but a screw type or flange type is also available.※A type having a surface maximum magnetic flux density of 0.95 T (9500 G) is also available. (Optional)�E�mm�E�En�E�]Model Material FinishPressureResistanceLimitViscosity UpperLimit of ApplicableFluid (Ref)Magnetic Bar DimensionsWorking Temp.Upper Limit MassMaterial Qty Surface max.magnetic fl ux density A d B D L H S hPCMH2-D15ASUS304#400buff ed500kPa�E�Ekgf/cm2�E�E.5ÁE0?mPa・s�E�E.5ÁE0?cP�E�SUS30440.8T�E�E000G�E�E 1/?S 35.7�E�E.41�E�E 1/?S 114�E�E.48�E�E30�E�E2.9�E�E36�E�E3.2�E�E53�E�E.02�E�E99�E�E1.7�E�E0℁E��E76°F�E�E3kg/28.6 lbPCMH2-D20A 2 S 47.8�E�E.88�E�PCMH2-D25A52 1/?S 59.5�E�E.34�E�E 1/?S 140�E�E.51�E�E20�E�E6.5�E�E84�E�E9.0�E�E79�E�E.04�E�E47PCMH2-D30A 3 S 72.3�E�E.84�E�E�E�E3.6�E�E15kg/33.0 lbPCMH2-D35A 3 1/?S 85.1�E�E.35�E�PCMH2-TD15A41 1/?S 35.7�E�E.41�E�E 1/?S 114�E�E.48�E�E30�E�E2.9�E�E36�E�E3.2�E�E53�E�E.02�E�E99�E�E1.7�E�E50℁E��E02°F�E�E3kg/28.6 lbPCMH2-TD20A 2 S 47.8�E�E.88�E�PCMH2-TD25A52 1/?S 59.5�E�E.34�E�E 1/?S 140�E�E.51�E�E20�E�E6.5�E�E84�E�E9.0�E�E79�E�E.04�E�E47PCMH2-TD30A 3 S 72.3�E�E.84�E�E�E�E3.6�E�E15kg/33.0 lbPCMH2-TD35A 3 1/?S 85.1�E�E.35�E�Model Material FinishPressureResistanceLimitViscosity UpperLimit of ApplicableFluid (Ref)Magnetic Bar DimensionsWorking Temp.Upper Limit MassMaterial Qty Surface max.magnetic fl ux density A d B D L H hPCMH2-D15BSUS304#400buff ed500kPa�E�Ekgf/cm2�E�E.5ÁE0?mPa・s�E�E.5ÁE0?cP�E�SUS30450.8T�E�E000G�E�E 1/?S 35.7�E�E.41�E�E 1/?S 116�E�E.56�E�E30�E�E2.9�E�E23�E�E.77�E�E47�E�E.78�E�E0℁E��E76°F�E�Ekg/17.6 lbPCMH2-D20B 2 S 47.8�E�E.88�E�PCMH2-D25B62 1/?S 59.5�E�E.34�E�E 1/?S 140�E�E.51�E�E20�E�E6.5�E�E61�E�E0.2�E�E78PCMH2-D30B 3 S 72.3�E�E.84�E�E�E�E.00�E�E14kg/30.8 lbPCMH2-D35B 3 1/?S 85.1�E�E.35�E�Model PCMH4 MAGNETIC FILTER FOR VISCOUS LIQUIDModel PCMH2-D-B MAGNETIC FILTER FOR VISCOUS LIQUID�E�Application�E�Most suitable for collecting magnetic substances and weakmagnetic substances in manufacturing lines of viscousliquid foods and chemical products containing solids.�E�Features�E�●These filters have been so constructed as to ensuresmooth flow of materials to process and cause themagnetic force to act up to the top of the casing,ensuring effi cient collection of magnetic substances.●Easy overhaul and reliable cleaning.●No liquid remains, ensuring clean operations. PCMH4-25PCMH2-D20BModelSurface Max.Magnetic FluxDensityPressureResistanceLimitDimensionsMassL H A ρEPCMH4-150.35T�E�E500G�E�E00kPa�E�Ekgf/cm2�E�E60�E�E4.1�E�E04�E�E1.9�E�E.5S 35.7�E�E.41�E�E2.8kg/28.2 lbPCMH4-20 2 S 47.8�E�E.88�E�E3.8kg/30.4 lbPCMH4-25420�E�E6.5�E�E.5S 59.5�E�E.34�E�E5 kg/33.0 lbPCMH4-30 3 S 72.3�E�E.84�E�E6.3kg/35.9 lbPCMH4-35 3.5S 85.1�E�E.35�E�E7.7kg/39.0 lb�E�mm�E�En�E�]�E�mm�E�En�E�]�E�Application�E�This filter is recommended for installation in a passagebetween manufacturing processes in plants of pastyviscous foods like juice and chemical products to separateand catch magnetic fine particles.�E�Features�E�●The outer pipe that comes in contact with liquid and themagnetic bar unit can be pulled out together, whichimproves the workability and facilitates cleaning.●The filter is of simple construction to facilitatereplacement of parts and checking of magnetic bars.●An exclusive magnetic bar housing box is available optionally.Safe and easy cleaning to enhance the work effi ciency!WhencleaningMagnetic barFerruleFerrule�E�Lh�E�E�E�AρE��E�E��PCMH / PCMH2-E / PCMH2-D-A.TD-A / PCMH2-D-B / PCMH4156LIFTINGMAGBORE* MAGNET CHIP & SLUDGECONVEYANCE EQUIPMENTENVIRONMENTALEQUIPMENTMAGNETIZER ANDDEMAGNETIZERMAGNETIC EQUIPMENTFOR CONVEYANCEMAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGTOOLSPOWERFUL MAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGINSTRUMENTSMAGNETICMATERIALSMAGNETIC TOOLS & EQUIPMENTFOR WELDING OPERATION