For calibration and daily check of Tesla Meter!Applicable probe: KANETEC TM-201 and later modelsApplicable probe: KANETEC TM-601 AXL, TM-701 AXL, TM-801 AXLSimplifi ed checking of residual magneticflux density and N/S polarity judgment!�E�Application�E�A measurement probe for TM-801.�E�Features�E�●Please keep this probe as a spare. It can be replaced withouttroublesome calibration. In addition to the standard PRB (transversetype), an axial type (AXL) capable of vertical measurement andhaving high durability is optionally available.Model TM PROBE FOR TESLA METERModel TM-SMF / TM-AMF REFERENCE MAGNETIC FIELD FOR TESLA METERModel PC MAGNETIC POLARITY CHECKERTM-801PRBTM-SMF-050TM-801AXL(Optional)�E�mm�E�En�E�]Model Applicable Meter Tip Dimensions Cord Length MassTM-801PRB ※ TM-801�E�E�E�E.0�E�E.03�E�×!E�E�E.5�E�E.13�E�×!E�E�E5�E�E.55�E�E000�E�E9.4�E�E50g/0.11 lbTM-801AXL ρE3�E�E.51�E�ÁE5�E�E.16�E�E(including probe cap)�E�mm�E�En�E�]Model Dimentions Judging Capacity Indication Lamp Battery Mass AccessoryPC-10 55�E�E.16�E�ÁE5�E�E.34�E�×t6�E�E.23�E�EN/S approx. 1 mT (10 G) or over N pole�E�Eed LED�E�S pole�E�Elue LED�E�ECR2025 Button battery (included) 25g/0.055 lb Exclusive soft case(An example ofusage of TM-801 AXL)Object tomeasure�E�Application�E�●Daily check of the Tesla Meter.●When a calibration certificate of the reference magnetic field isobtained, the calibration of the Tesla Meter becomes economical.�E�Features�E�●The closed circuit construction employing a permanent magnet thatcauses less magnetic force leak is employed.●Small and light weight. �E�mm�E�En�E�]�E�mm�E�En�E�]Model MagneticFlux Density ※DimensionsMassDia. HeightTM-SMF- 003 0.003T�E�E30G�E�ρE3�E�E.69�E�E0�E�E.96�E�EApprox. 0.5kg/1.10lbTM-SMF- 050 0.05 T�E�E500G�E�E40�E�E.57�E�EApprox. 0.4kg/0.88lbTM-SMF- 300 0.3 T�E�E000G�E�E30�E�E.18�E�EApprox. 0.3kg/0.66lbTM-SMF-1000 1 T�E�E0000G�E�EρE3�E�E.87�E�E74�E�E.91�E�EApprox. 2.0kg/4.40lbModel MagneticFlux Density ※DimensionsMassDia. HeightTM-AMF- 003 0.003T�E�E30G�E�ρE0�E�E.75�E�E0�E�E.36�E�EApprox. 1.4kg/3.08lbTM-AMF- 050 0.05 T�E�E500G�E�E55�E�E.16�E�EApprox. 1.3kg/2.86lbTM-AMF- 300 0.3 T�E�E000G�E�E50�E�E.96�E�EApprox. 1.2kg/2.64lb※The magnetic fl ux density is a nominal value. The measurement sheet included with theproduct shows the actual measured value of the product.※The magnetic fl ux density is a nominal value. The measurement sheet included with theproduct shows the actual measured value of the product.�E�Application�E�In addition to screening magnetic material or checking the polarity when a magnet is installed, this canbe used as a simplifi ed checker of residual magnetic flux density level of processed products.�E�Features�E�●Card size thickness, 6 mm only, for convenience of carrying.●The results of polarity judgment are indicated by both light and sound or may be indicated by sound only.N Pole (red LED): Sound in short intervals.S Pole (blue LED): Sound in long intervals●Since this checker detects a magnetic flux density of 1 mT (10 G) or over, it can be used for checkinga demagnetized state in a simplifi ed manner.※For precise measurement of the magnetic fl ux density, please use the Tesla Meter.PC-10A calibration certifi cate is issuedupon request (for a fee).※This can be used with KANETEC conventionalmodels TM-501, TM-610 and TM-701.For standard probeFor axial type probeTM SMp pTM-AMF-300TM / TM-SMF / TM-AMF / PC164LIFTINGMAGBORE* MAGNET CHIP & SLUDGECONVEYANCE EQUIPMENTENVIRONMENTALEQUIPMENTMAGNETIZER ANDDEMAGNETIZERMAGNETIC EQUIPMENTFOR CONVEYANCEMAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGTOOLSPOWERFUL MAGNETICSEPARATORSMEASURINGINSTRUMENTSMAGNETICMATERIALSMAGNETIC TOOLS & EQUIPMENTFOR WELDING OPERATION