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Most powerful 2-face holding block!indicates the attractive face.ON OFF ON OFF KANETECRMAW-2F0812LPHBBottom face operation Top face operationLPHBBHLPM8, depth 10L1Top faceoperationBottom faceoperationindicates the attractive face.Model RMAW-2F TWO-FACE HOLDING BLOCK FOR SMALL WORKPIECEModel KPB DOUBLE-FACE/SINGLE-FACE HOLDING PERMANENT MAGNETIC BLOCK�E�Application�E�Suitable for holding workpieces in various operations such as grinding and lightduty cutting, measurement and assembly work.�E�Features�E�●The strongest holding power among small permanent magnetic types.Furthermore, by making the pole pitch fi ner, this model holds small and thinworkpieces firmly. This model is also effective for holding relatively largeworkpieces that cover the whole attractive face.●The top and bottom faces can be turned on and off individually. It can be seteasily on the machine table or work table to shorten the setup time.●Since a workpiece can be held on its side face, workpieces can be heldvertically or on three faces. ※When a workpiece is held on the top face orbottom face and the side face simultaneously, the holding power of each facedrops.●By using tapped holes on three side faces and bottom face, stoppers andfi xtures can be mounted.RMAW-2F0812Model HoldingPowerDimensions Pole PitchMassB L H PRMAW-2F0812 785N�E�E0kgf�E�E80�E�E.15�E�E20�E�E.72�E�E0�E�E.96�E�E�E�E�E�E�E�E.23�E�E.07�E�E.15�E�E.7kg/8.15 lb※The holding power is the largest value obtained using a test piece of □50 ÁEt25, S15C.�E�mm�E�En�E�]An example of using double-face holding block�E�Application�E�These blocks can hold workpieces during electricdischarge machining and grinding. They can also beused as holding tools for assembly and light dutymachining.�E�Features�E�●The both sides can hold workpieces and can beturned on and off individually. (2F type)●They are secured to the work table by turning on andoff the magnet. (2F type)●The side faces (ON/OFF switchover face) can alsohold workpieces. (2F type)●They are secured to the work table using tappedholes provided on the mounting face. They can alsobe secured by having them held by a magneticchuck. (1F type)●The operation part is provided on both side faces tofacilitate on/off operation.●Light weight for easy positional adjustment.●The operating handle is detachable and does nothinder the work.●One set of two blocks has been machined andfinished together.●They are of drip-proof and oil-resistant constructionto allow them to be used in fluid.KPB-1F18KPB-2F18■ Single face type �E�mm�E�En�E�]Model Nominal Size HoldingPowerDimensions Pole PitchMassB L H L? PKPB-1F13 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE25�E�E.92�E�E250N�E�E5kgf�E�E2�E�E.04�E�E25�E�E.92�E�E5�E�E.37�E�E5�E�E.34�E�E.5�E�E.5�E�E.0�E�E.05�E�E.02�E�E.03�E�E.5kg/3.3 lbÁEKPB-1F18 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE80�E�E.08�E�E350N�E�E5kgf�E�E180�E�E.08�E�E110�E�E.33�E�E2.2kg/4.8 lbÁEKPB-1F25 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE50�E�E.84�E�E500N�E�E0kgf�E�E250�E�E.84�E�E150�E�E.90�E�E3.1kg/6.8 lbÁE※The holding power is based on a test piece of SS400, 20 mm thick (ground surface) held on the whole face.■ Double face typeModel Nominal Size HoldingPowerDimensions Pole PitchMassB L H PKPB-2F13 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE25�E�E.92�E�E250N�E�E5kgf�E�E2�E�E.04�E�E25�E�E.92�E�E0�E�E.96�E�E.5�E�E.5�E�E.0�E�E.05�E�E.02�E�E.03�E�E.5kg/ 5.5 lbÁEKPB-2F18 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE80�E�E.08�E�E350N�E�E5kgf�E�E180�E�E.08�E�E3.6kg/ 8.0 lbÁEKPB-2F25 50�E�E.96�E�ÁE50�E�E.84�E�E500N�E�E0kgf�E�E250�E�E.84�E�E5.0kg/11.1 lbÁE�E�mm�E�En�E�]※The holding power is based on a test piece of SS400, 20 mm thick (ground surface) held on the whole face.53 CHUCKCONTROLLERSPERMANENTMAGNETIC CHUCKSPERMANENTELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCKSBLOCKSFOR MCVACUUMCHUCKSPROMELTA*SYSTEMSINE BARCHUCKSHOLDINGTOOLSBLOCKS, HOLDERS,MINI CHUCKSMEASURINGTOOL HOLDERSMAGNETICTOOLSMAGNETICHOLDERSELECTROMAGNETICCHUCKSBLOCKS, HOLDERS, MINI CHUCKS