KANETECKanetec has been at the forefront of magnetictools and equipment since 1959.Kanetec is synonymous with quality and accuracyworldwide. From the very beginning, we haveadhered to the same basic principle and goals.We have also expanded our Magnetic Bases,Tools, and Chuck lines with the latest technologyand electronic controls. And, more than ever, wehave aggressively priced our products so that weremain your No. 1 choice in industrial magnetics.CompanyKanetec has been at the forefront of magnetictools and equipment since 1959. Kanetec issynonymous with quality and accuracy worldwide.From the very beginning, we have adhered to thesame basic principle and goals.QualityKanetec does more than manufacture magnetics.We research and develop solutions that makeour products easy to use, effi cient and reliable.When you buy Kanetec, you receive the fruits ofrelentless persuit for perfection, from the mostdedicated team in the business.InnovationThriving on meeting new challenges, we haveearned the reputation of being the leaderin magentic toolings for just one reason?ourinnovative approach to real world problem solving.From small magnetic dial indicator stands to largemagnetic chucks, Kanetec’s research andproduction teams have always delivered the rightmagnetics for each application.Why Kanetec?If you think all magnetic tools are created equal,think again! Above and beyond manufacturingthe best known magnetics in the world, Kanetecnow off ers so much more!About