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ReleasingAttractingAttractspowerfully.Releases whenlever is pulled.HMC-75AHMC-T50AHMC-T75AHMW-FC90 HMW-NS90 HM-6LGHMC-T10AHMC-50AHMC-10AHMC-K50Model HMModel HMC MAGHAND*Model HMW WATERPROOF MAGHAND*HAND MAGNET WITH GRIP�E�Application�E�The Maghand is suitable for collecting iron piecesthat are scattered around on the floor or mixed inmedia. Since it can also be used to remove andcollect iron pieces from powder materials, it has awide range of applications including machining,forging and food processing. The Maghand is alsouseful in the household or as a teaching material.�E�Features�E�●The magnetic force can be turned on and offsimply by one-hand operation.●The Maghand employs a powerful magnet forpowerful attraction and a wide attractive face.●Model HMC-75A has a long arm to make itsuitable for collecting iron pieces in pits andenclosures.●Model HMC-T is cased with aluminum andtherefore its strength and wear resistance have beenimproved from that of Model HMC-A. (Hightemperaturetype up to 150℁E)●Model HMC-K50 has a rectangular body to makeit best suitable for collecting chips from T grooves. Itis also useful for collecting iron powder precipitatedin coolant tanks as it is of simple waterproof type.�E�Features�E�●The long attractive part allows collection of alarge volume of iron pieces.●The small-dia. attractive part allows this modelto be usable in limited space and grooves.�E�Features�E�●Powerful permanent magnet.●Light weight for easy operation.●The rod can be divided to two foreasy storage.�E�Application�E�Suitable for removal of chipsin liquid in coolant tanks. Itcan also be used to removeiron pieces in powder.�E�Application�E�Suitable for removing iron in liquid tanksand collecting iron pieces in small areas.This is also helpful for picking up toolsthat fell in a complicated machine roomin ships.�E�mm�E�En�E�]ModelDimensionsMassρE H h WHMC-10A114�E�E.48�E�E27�E�E.93�E�E5�E�E.34�E�E04�E�E.09�E�E.9kg/1.98 lbHMC-50A 500�E�E9.6�E�E1.5kg/3.30 lbHMC-75A 750�E�E9.5�E�E1.9kg/4.20 lbHMC-T10A112�E�E.40�E�E41�E�E.48�E�E5�E�E.74�E�E.2kg/2.60 lbHMC-T50A 514�E�E0.2�E�E1.8kg/3.96 lbHMC-T75A 764�E�E0.0�E�E2.3kg/5.07 lbHMC-K50 �E�E1�E�E.00�E�ÁE6�E�E.02�E�ÁE9�E�E.14�E�)ÁE33�E�E0.9�E�ESee dimension drawing) 1.6kg/3.52 lbSimplewaterproofCollect bolts, screws and nails scattered around on the fl oor!Ideal for removal of chipsin liquid!OFFHeat-resistantParts availableindividuallyWρEh827042.5�E�048ρEρE4�E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E�6L�E��E��E��E��E��E��E��E� �E��E��E�,L�E��E��E�J�E��E��E��E�ρE4104513022�E�E21.7�E�E00131 �E�E73�E�E129533295526500mm、EMC-K50〉、Epecifi cations〉●Capacity: M10 plain washers … about 0.6 kg      M4 ÁE10 screws …… about 0.7 kg、Epecifi cations〉●Capacity: M10 plain washers … about 0.5 kgM4 ÁE10 screws …… about 0.6 kgModel Capacity Length Attractive Part Dimensions MassHMW-FC90 chip�E�Ery�E�EApprox. 200g/0.44 lbshot blast balls Approx. 1.2kg/2.64 lb 990�E�E8.9�E�EρE6.5�E�E.04�E�ÁE10�E�E.26�E�E1.1kg/2.42 lbHMW-NS90 chip�E�Ery�E�EApprox. 400g/0.88 lbshot blast balls Approx. 1.9kg/4.18 lb 993�E�E9.0�E�E□28.6�E�E.12�E�ÁE30�E�E.05�E�E1.7kg/3.74 lb�E�mm�E�En�E�]Model Holding Power MassHM-6LG 250N�E�E5kgf�E�E1.5kg/3.30 lb※The holding power is based on a test piece of SS400, 10 mm thick, ground surface.Separator + buff erMax. workingtemperature150℁Eor belowHeat-resistantcasecaseSeparatorpressing springONHHM LGe easingHMW NT h e m a g n e t i cforce is present atthe tip also, whichmakes it possiblet o e f f i c i e n t l yc o l l e c t s c r e w sa n d m e t a l l i cpieces scatteredaround on the fl oorwithout changingthe posture of theoperator.A powerful typet h a t e n a b l e sc o l l e c t i o n o f al a r g e r a m o u n t .The rectangulars h a p e h a sincreased a rangeof types of chipst h a t c a n b ecollected.HE-H / SL / HMB / HMC / HMW / HM84CHUCKCONTROLLERSPERMANENTMAGNETIC CHUCKSPERMANENTELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCKSBLOCKSFOR MCVACUUMCHUCKSPROMELTA*SYSTEMSINE BARCHUCKSHOLDINGTOOLSBLOCKS, HOLDERS,MINI CHUCKSMEASURINGTOOL HOLDERSMAGNETICTOOLSMAGNETICHOLDERSELECTROMAGNETICCHUCKS